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The Axholme Way

This page contains a glossary of terms and quick links to explain 'The Axholme Way' of doing things:

  • AtL - Students demonstrate they are Able to Learn by producing an acceptable quantity and quality of work inside the classroom and when completing Independent Learning Tasks (below).

  • Clubs - Year Y7 to 10 attend clubs for the final 30 minutes of the week. Students select from our menu of clubs and gain valuable wider curriculum experiences.

  • DEAR time - Key Stage 3 students and teachers Drop Everything and Read for a period of time at the end of the day. Students bring their own appropriate reading book for DEAR time.

  • ILTs - Independent Learning Tasks are pieces of work completed by students outside of the classroom. ILTs are designed to support retention of learning and help develop students’ independent learning skills.

  • KS4 Ready - Students who focus fully during lessons and think hard about their learning outside the classroom are significantly more likely to remember more and perform better in exams. We consider students who take full responsibility for their learning as Key Stage 4 Ready.

  • Period 0 - Key Stage 4 students begin the day with a period of English, Maths or Science. P0 provision alternates half termly.

  • Period 6 - Key Stage 4 students attend an additional period of small group intervention at the end of the day, 3 days per week. P6 provision alternates half termly.

  • Post-RPA topic lists - Students record their personal learning gaps for each subject in their Post-RPA Topic List booklet to inform their independent study.

  • Pre-RPA topic lists - Documents published at least 4 weeks before RPAs to tell students which topics to revise, keywords to learn and links to endorsed materials for students to use when preparing for RPAs.

  • Progress Grades - RAGB grades indicating how well students performed in their RPAs compared to similar ability students.

  • Prom Credits - Year 11 students have the opportunity to earn 9 prom credits by remaining KS4 Ready and attending catch-up opportunities. 5 credits are required to attend the Y11 prom in the Summer.

  • Reflection journal - All students have a Reflection Journal used to complete personal reflection and target setting for their study skills, learning & progress, attendance, behaviour and wider curriculum participation.

  • Rewards eligibility - All students have the opportunity to participate in reward activities at the end of each half-term. To remain eligible students must have good attendance and take responsibility for their learning & behaviour if they get it wrong.

  • RPAs - Retrieval Point Assessments are ‘high stakes’ assessments which take place under exam conditions. RPAs assess a wide range of knowledge and skills that students must retain over time.

  • Roll call - This is a positive, welcoming, effective start to school day. Roll call is used to ensure that students are Ready to Learn.
  • RtL - Students are Ready to Learn when they are present, equipped and behaving in a way that enables learning to take place.

  • RtL & AtL grades - RAGB grades generated using the StARs, A codes and R codes logged during lessons. RAGB grades represent:

Beyond / Blue = Beyond expectations
Got it! / Green = Meeting expectations
Almost / Amber = Below expectations
Reaching / Red = Significantly below expectations
  • R4I - Students attend our Room for Improvement to catch-up any incomplete classwork or ILTs.

  • StARs - Student Achievement Awards (StARs) recognise when students go Beyond Expectations inside and beyond the classroom.

  • S&G Reports - Strengths & Gaps reports inform students about how well they performed on each topic assessed and contain links to endorsed materials for students to revisit to close their learning gaps.

  • TIARA Pledge - Our wider curriculum provides all students with a range of experiences to equip them with the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. Our pledge encourages students to be Thoughtful, Involved, Aware, Responsible and Ambitious.

  • TLR - Key Stage 3 students begin the day with a period of Tutor Led Reading. Tutors lead students by reading a book from the academy canon.

  • 6Rs - Our Independent Learning Framework consists of evidence-based approaches which are guaranteed to help students know more and remember more:

REVIEW what has been learnt to identify gaps
RESTRUCTURE information by producing revision materials
RETRIEVE information from memory by self-quizzing
REVISIT learning that hasn’t been retained over time
REPEAT steps 2 and 3 until learning has been retained
REFLECT on how effectively you are using these approaches