Ready & Able to Learn
Our AtL team works with students to help them maximise their learning inside and beyond the classroom.
Our AtL team consists of:
KS3 AtL Leader: Mr D Wayte
KS4 AtL Leader: Mrs C Carter
NEA / Vocational team leader: Mr L Mason
Please contact with any queries.
Helping your child be Able to Learn:
- Visit our Independent Learning page for our study advice and guidance.
- Watch these Study Hacks clips made by ‘From the Sidelines’ for further advice on how to support your child's learning.
Ready to Learn team
Our RtL team works with students to help overcome barriers to learning.
Our RtL team consists of:
- RtL Leader: Mrs A Burton
- KS3 RtL Manager: Mrs A Ackroyd
- KS4 RtL Manager: Miss D Shipman
- Attendance Officer: Mrs L Flanagan / Mrs C Loose
Please contact with any queries
RtL & AtL Grades
Parents and carers are informed about their child's readiness and ability to learn via 1/2 termly gradesheets.
RtL and AtL grades are generated using the StARs, A codes and R codes logged during lessons (details available via the SIMS Parent App). RtL and AtL grades are capped for students with a significant number of absences during a half term.
RAGB key:
- Beyond / Blue = Beyond expectations
- Got it! / Green = Meeting expectations
- Almost / Amber = Below expectations
- Reaching / Red = Significantly below expectations