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School Day

Our school day consists of 5 x 60 minute lessons (50 lessons per fortnight).

We extend the school day each Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for students who we think will benefit from working in a small group on a particular topic or unit of work. This provision designed to help our students to stay on track and achieve their potential.

The timing of the school day is:​​​

  • 08.20 Arrival

  • 08.25 Roll call

  • 08.30 KS3 Tutor Led Reading / KS4 Period 0

  • 08.50 Period 1

  • 09.50 Period 2

  • Break:

    • 10.45am – 11.00 am: Y8 & 10

    • 10.50am – 11.05 am: Y7, 9 & 11

  • 12.00 Period 4

  • 13.00 Lunch

  • 13.40 Period 5

  • 14.40 DEAR time / clubs / interventions

  • 15.00 Leave / Period 6

  • 16.00 Period 6 end

Teaching Groups

Students are taught in ability groups in Maths, Science and Languages; and mixed ability groups in other subjects. Our rationale for configuring teaching groups is outlined below:

  • IGROW mixed ability groups in KS3 are configured to ensure that there isn’t a significant spread of ability - they are partially mixed ability rather than fully mixed.

  • Partially-mixed ability groups are used in subjects where students of all abilities cover the same topics and content.

  • Ability setting is used in subjects where students learn different topics depending on their ability (typically subjects that are tiered at GCSE).

  • Teaching in partially mixed-ability groups enables us to use approaches which advance and embed the learning of lower, middle and upper ability students.

  • Being a ‘comprehensive school’, we believe it is healthy for students from different backgrounds (gender, ability, ethnicity etc.) to interact both inside and outside of lessons.

  • Our very weakest students spend more time taught in ability groups enabling SEN support to be pooled.

KS3 Curriculum

Our Key Stage 3 curriculum meets statutory requirements. Further to these requirements, we offer additional personalised provision and enrichment opportunities ensuring that students of all abilities make good progress. Key Stage 3 personalised provision includes:

  • Literacy catch-up provision for students below age related expectations in Year 7
  • Timetabled literacy lessons enabling students to access more demanding reformed GCSE exam questions
  • A wider curriculum which develops students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural awareness

The typical number of lessons allocated to subjects per fortnight during Key Stage 3 is as below: 

Literacy English Maths Science Technology PSHCE Study Skills PE

1 lesson

8 lessons

8 lessons

8 lessons

2 lessons

1 lesson

1 lesson

3 lessons







Religious Education


1 lesson

5 lessons

3 lessons

3 lessons

2 lessons

2 lessons

2 lessons


KS4 Curriculum

At The Axholme Academy we offer a broad and balanced Key Stage 4 curriculum which is appropriate for students of all abilities. Our Key Stage 4 curriculum is divided into core, guided and optional elements.

Our core subjects are English (WJEC), Maths (AQA), Science (AQA - Biology, Chemistry & Physics or Combined Science: Trilogy), ICT, PE and Complementary Studies (personal, social, health and economic education; citizenship and religious education).

The amount of time typically allocated to subjects per fortnight in our core curriculum is as below:

English Language & Literature Maths Science ICT

8 lessons

8 lessons

9 lessons

1 lesson



Up to 4 Options

1 lesson

3 lessons

4 x 5 lessons

Guided subjects are identified through consultation between subject leaders, pastoral leaders and senior leaders. During this consultation we review how each student has progressed during Key Stage 3 to identify the guided subjects that are best matched to their strengths and needs. Our Key Stage 4 Guided Options structure is outlined below:

Core Subjects Guided Subjects Option Subjects


English Literature








Literacy Study+

Separate Sciences (Biology, Chemistry & Physics)

Cambridge Nationals in Health & Social Care

Cambridge Nationals in Enterprise and Marketing

Cambridge Nationals Award in Sport Studies



Religious Studies

Art: Fine Art

Art: Textiles Design


    Physical Education

Computer Science

Food Preparation & Nutrition

Year 9 Options

We run our options process during the Spring term allowing students to specialise in a reduced number of GCSE and equivalent subjects during Years 10 and 11. Humanities and Technology options commence during the Summer term in Year 9 enabling students to focus their learning within these areas post options.

The combination of subjects available within our options changes annually. If you would like any further information about specific courses being delivered during Key Stage 4, or would like to know about plans for future academic years, please email us on or call us on 01724 710368.