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Careers (CEIAG)

Careers Lead Mrs Fiona Bishop

Email: - Career Guidance Students

Assistant Principal-Mrs Liane Kinroy

At The Axholme Academy, we pride ourselves on our ever-evolving careers support provision for our students where, at the earliest opportunity, we begin the process of preparing them for life post-16.
In today’s economy it is vital that students develop confidence and resilience to enable them to aspire and achieve both academically and personally. The Academy is committed to ensuring that students have access to exceptional independent Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG). CEIAG now has to meet a set of new standards, called the Gatsby Benchmark standard. The Gatsby Benchmarks are a framework of 8 guidelines about what makes the best careers provision in schools and colleges. The Careers Strategy is built around them, ensuring excellent careers provision in schools. 

The Gatsby benchmark standards can be seen here

Learning and developing ‘employability skills’, becoming an attractive candidate for colleges and universities as well as employers is an important part of the students  journey at the Academy. We make CEIAG accessible for every student in Years 7 -11 and we are committed to supporting the aspirations of all our students.

Students have the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of careers events which develops their thirst for further knowledge. They engage in a range of activities around careers  education, enterprise awareness and college introductions which enthuse and motivate them, raising their aspirations and ambitions.


Assessing the impact of the careers programme

Here at The Axholme Academy we regularly assess the impact of our careers programme to make sure that the provision we offer is the best it can be for our students. Regular student voice activities provide feedback that we use to develop and improve our careers curriculum. We also have an Area Improvement Plan for CEIAG which keeps focus upon careers and drives forward sustained improvements. We also evaluate the destinations data for our former students to make sure they are going on to appropriate Further Education providers.    

Next review

We continually review our careers programme to improve it and keep it up to date. We are working to meet the new Gatsby benchmark standards, we review this using the Compass + system.