Key Stage 3
All students in Years 7 - 9 follow the Key Stage 3 programme of study designed to meet statutory requirements of the National Curriculum. This provides a balanced experience which allows all students, whatever their ability, to extend their knowledge, skill and understanding of Art, Craft and Design. KS3 is seen as one 'unit', where experience in Year 7 progresses via a series of modules towards point at the end of Year 9 where students can, if they wish, select Art as a GCSE or a Btec subject, and be confident that they will be well prepared for the demands of the course.
Students experience working with artists and designers to develop their knowledge, skilla and understanding. Artists Halima Cassell, Sally Mckay, Alex Hallowes and Pete Rogers have visited The Axholme Academy in the past to work with our students to help improve their skills.
At the end of every academic year students celebrate their achievements in Art & Design by exhibiting their work in the Axholme Academy Art Exhibition.