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Fundamental British Values

The Axholme Academy strives to promote the fundamental British values as set out in the 2011 Prevent strategy. SMSC education permeates the day to day life and work of the Academy and supports the DfE requirement

“ create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.”

The Axholme Academy provides a broad and balanced curriculum which fosters discussions and debate on all the above values. In particular, Citizenship Education at the Axholme Academy plays a key role in fostering an understanding of Fundamental British Values. In addition to the work done in Citizenship as part of the Complementary Studies (CS) curriculum, the Axholme Academy regularly reinforces British values in the following ways:


All stakeholders in the Axholme Academy have many opportunities to have their opinions heard. The Student Voice group has representatives from each year group and meets regularly, parents and carers are regularly consulted on issues which affect them and their children. Within the CS and RE curriculum students participate in a range of activities covering topics such as political parties, local and national government, how elections work and being a British citizen. In addition, students benefit from visits from local MPs and councillors and from participating in events such as The North Lincolnshire Great Debate and the local youth council and local election for young mayor.

The Rule of Law

The importance of laws, whether applicable to the Academy or to the country as a whole is regularly reinforced through Academy expectations for both students and staff, classroom ground rules, the application of the Behaviour and Rewards Policy, and the  clear connection between choice, responsibility for our own actions  and consequences when these rules are not adhered to.  Within the CS and RE curriculum students participate in a range of activities covering topics such as UK law, crime and punishment, animal rights and Human Rights; in addition, students benefit from frequent visits from local police officers, visits from magistrates, the local MPs, visits to the magistrates’ court and to a local prison.

Individual Liberty

The Academy strives to provide a safe and supportive community in which students are encouraged to exercise their rights and freedoms and make appropriate choices. Teaching and learning often takes account of likes and preferences and students are given many opportunities throughout the school day to make choices:  in lessons, during non-teaching time and in extra-curricular activities. In Year 9 students are guided to make choices regarding which subjects they study at Key Stage 4. In Key Stage 4 students are supported in making informed choices about their post-16 options through and effective CEIAG programme. Within the CS and RE curriculum students are taught about making informed and responsible choices and participate in a range of activities covering a range of topics such as Human Rights, personal safety, personal relationships and personal morality; in addition, students benefit from opportunities to choose to participate in visits, sporting activities and competitions.

Mutual Respect

The Axholme Academy endeavours to ensure that all staff and students demonstrate respect for themselves and each other. The Behaviour and Rewards Policy and the Anti-bullying Policy promote positive relationships within the Academy. Staff and older students, particularly those with responsibilities, such as Peer mentors, Prefects, the Head Boy and Head Girl, provide positive role models to demonstrate expected attitudes and behaviour.

Within the CS and RE curriculum students participate in a range of activities covering topics such as the need for rules within the CS classroom, animal rights, lifestyle choices and Human Rights. In addition, students benefit from participating in remembrance ceremonies, national awareness raising days, charity events and volunteering opportunities and  working on the local National Citizenship Service programme, for which we are a champion school.

Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs

The Axholme Academy is situated in an area which is not culturally diverse and therefore we place great emphasis on raising our students’ awareness of cultural diversity across British society. Within the CS and RE curriculum, which is taught in discrete lessons to all groups in all years, students participate in a range of activities covering topics such as comparing faiths and religions, the history of and reasons behind immigration and to challenge extremist views from all perspectives. In addition, students benefit from participating in visits to a range of places of worship and visits from people of different faiths and from participating in a broad range of local, national and international activities which allow them to collaborate with others and promote tolerance and respect for those from different ethnic cultures.

All of the fundamental British values may be reinforced through all other curricular and extra-curricular activity, cross curricular initiatives, after school clubs and enrichment activities, cultural experiences, charity and volunteering work, assemblies, sporting events, form time and themed study days. This ensures that students at the Axholme Academy develop into independent, confident, caring and tolerant young people ready to take their place in and contribute to a diverse society.