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Daily Absence Reporting

If a student is absent, parents/carers must contact the Academy each day with a reason and/or update:

tel: 01724 710368 ext. 1

At The Axholme Academy we firmly believe that regular school attendance and punctuality are fundamental to enable our students to take full advantage of the educational opportunities available to them and maximise their achievements. Every child has the right to be educated and the Academy, in partnership with parents/carers, has a duty to ensure maximum levels of attendance.

Excellent Attendance Very Good Attendance Good Attendance
100% 98% 96%

Is my child too ill for school?

Period 6 Attendance

Throughout the academic year, students will be rewarded for Period 6 attendance. Students will remain eligible for the chosen reward for any of the following reasons:

  • College Interviews & Open Evenings
  • Approved Sporting Activities 
  • Academy Trips & Visits

Students will also remain eligible if they are absent for 3 or fewer lessons during the half-term due to illness or medical appointments. Students will not be eligible for the reward for any unauthorised absences to Period 6.

You must notify our Attendance Officer in advance of any Period 6 absence by either of the below methods:

tel: 01724 710368 ext. 1

Leave of Absence During Term Time

Any requests must be made at least two weeks prior to the proposed leave of absence using the Academy Application Form. Additional evidence in support of the exceptional circumstances must be included with the application. Leave of Absence Application Forms can be obtained by contacting:

tel: 01724 710368 ext. 1